Breast Cancer ChoicesTM  
Scrutinizing the evidence for breast
cancer procedures and treatments
Supplement Strategies - CoQ10

    Every breast cancer patient undergoing treatment has as her objective the killing of
    her cancer cells.  The cancer cells have lost their ability to kill themselves and are
    reproducing wildly and spreading.  What if there is a natural substance found in the
    body that can help normalize cell growth?

    A recent study suggests that supplementing with CoQ10, which is found in every
    cell of the body, can restore the ability of the cancer cell to kill itself.

  • Background:  Some Tumor Reduction in '90's CoQ10-
    Breast Cancer Trials

    In the 1990's, six of 32 patients who took 90 mg of CoQ10 showed partial tumor
    reduction. One of the six then took 390 mg, and within two months there was
    no mammographic evidence of the tumor. (1)  An additional 3 patients undergoing
    conventional treatment took 390 mg of CoQ10 over 3-5 years. The results: In
    Patient One,  liver metastases disappeared. In Patient Two, a tumor in the
    pleural cavity disappeared. In Patient Three, there was no sign of cancer in
    the tumor bed or metastases. (2)

    These early studies hinted that there was a scientific basis for the use of
    CoQ10, and now a possible of mechanism of action has been discovered.

  • Mechanism of Action: CoQ10 Restores Ability of Cancer
    Cell to Kill Itself

    At  the April 2006 American Association for Cancer Research, University of
    Miami researchers presented the results of their microarray genes' analysis
    study, not yet published, suggesting that CoQ10 can restore the ability of the cell to
    kill itself.   

    How does CoQ10 restore the ability of the cancer cell to kill itself? The bcl-2
    genes regulate cell division and programmed cell death. Cells normally divide,
    and unneeded or sick cells are eliminated.  But, in cancer, there is a decrease
    in cell death. The cells keep dividing.  In the U. of Miami study,  after mice with
    melanoma were supplemented with CoQ10 for 24 hrs.,CoQ10 was found
    to significantly down-regulate (decrease in expression) the bcl-2 genes, permitting
    the cancer cells to kill themselves, which inhibits growth and spread. (3)

  • Researcher Explains How CoQ10 Works

               "CoQ10 and bcl-2 are both in normal cells and in abnormal cells,
    but the ratio changes in malignant cells," Niven Narain, the Director of
    Transdermal/Cutaneous Cancer Research in the Department of Dermatology at
    the University of Miami, explained in a telephone conversation in April 2006.  
    "While most cancer patients have an over-expression of bcl-2, most cancer
    patients, including breast cancer patients, have low CoQ10."  Blood levels of
    breast cancer patients (4) and melanoma patients (5) have been found to be low
    in CoQ10, and there is a correlation between low CoQ10 and the advanced
    stage of the disease (6).

    "When there is an over-expression of bcl-2," Narain said, "cells can't self-
    destruct,  creating an environment favorable for cell proliferation and spread."  
    Plus, the cancer patient has low levels of CoQ10. Supplementing with CoQ10
    helps to restore the ability of the cancer cells to kill themselves Thus, breast
    cancer patients should consider the logistics of cancer. "
  • Seeking FDA Approval of CoQ10

    Is CoQ10 safe?  Does CoQ10 reduce tumors?

    The U. of Miami CoQ10 researchers have partnered with Pathfinder
    Management, Inc. to seek FDA approval of CoQ10.  FDA approval
    requires a Proof of Concept:  CoQ10 must be deemed to be a safe molecule
    and effective in weakening drugs' side effects and in tumor reduction.

    To help conduct studies to gain FDA approval, Indushekhar Persaud, the Chief  
    Engineer for Drug Therapy, said in an April 2006 telephone conversation that several
    CoQ10 delivery systems, including transdermal, IV, and aerosals, are under

    Breast cancer patients may consider taking 390 mg of CoQ10, which was
    used in the Folkers and Lockwood studies on breast cancer patients.
    Since CoQ10 is fat-soluble, taking the nutrient with an oil on an empty
    stomach is recommended in order to maximize absorption.

    1.  Lockwood K et al., Partial and Complete Regression of Breast Cancer in Relation to Dosage of CoQ10, Biochem Biophys
    Res Commun 1994.
    2. Lockwood K et al., Progress on Therapy of Breast Cancer with Vitamin Q10 and the Regression of Metastases, Biochem
    Biophys Res Commun 1995.
    3.  Narain N et al., Coenzyme Q10:  A Novel Bcl-2 Drug Target for the Treatment of Melanoma. Abstract 791, AACR
    Conference 2006.
    4. Joliet P et al., Plasma Coenzyme Q10 Concentrations in Breast Cancer: Prognosis and Therapeutic Consequences,
    Int J Clin Pharmacol 1998.
    5.  Rusciani L et al., Low Plasma Coenzyme Q10 are an Independent Prognostic
    Factor for Melanoma Progression and are Correlated with the Advanced Stages
    of Cancer, Am Acad Dermatol 2006.
    6. Joliet P et al., Plasma Coenzyme Q10 Concentrations in Breast Cancer;
    Prognosis and Therapeutic Consequences, Int J Clin Pharmacol 1998.
    7. Conklin K., Coenzyme Q10 for Prevention of Anthracycline-Induced Cardiotoxicity,
    Integrative Cancer 2005

How to take CoQ10

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    The information discussed is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    This website is intended as information only. The editors of this site are not medically-trained.
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