Scrutinizing the evidence for breast
cancer procedures and treatments
Iodine Loading Test

    1. Discard first morning urine.

    2. Take 50 mg Iodoral (tablets included with test
    kit) immediately.

    3. Collect 24-hour urine.

    4. Include the first morning urine from the end
    of the 24 hour collection.

    5.  Send the small sample bottle back to the lab
    in the  special enclosed envelope.

    Dr. Guy Abraham and his colleagues have found the 24 Hour Iodine
    Loading test helpful in assessing a patient's iodine sufficiency.

    The principle is, if the body's level of iodine is adequate, most of the
    50 mg iodine ingested at the start of the test will be excreted in the
    urine within 24 hours.

    If the body shows insufficiency, a significant portion of the pre-test
    iodine dose will be retained by the body. The amount excreted in
    the urine will be low.

    The Iodine Doctors find that any test result showing saturation
    lower than 90% suggests the patient is a candidate for iodine

    ****Update from the 07 Iodine Conference: Normal test results in
    the presence of known iodine-deficiency conditions such as
    thyroid disorders or breast disease may indicate an absorption
    defect with the Sodium Iodide Symporter (NIS) mechanism. In this
    case, the iodine given as part of the test may not get absorbed and
    pass through the body into the urine.

    A "false normal" test result may result. The doctors recommend
    supplementing with iodine for three months and then repeating
    the test. As the iodine supplementation improves the absorption,
    the test numbers should go lower (appropriate to the clinical
    condition) then steadily rise.

    For Iodine Investigation Project participants, Breast Cancer
    Choices recommends testing at FFP Labs to assure consistency of
    results for our database. In NY State, have your practitioner
    contact Doctors Data Lab. Be sure your test includes the 50 mg
    Iodoral or get the Iodoral tablets from your practitioner.

    To order the Iodine-Loading Test, contact FFP labs at 877-900-5556
    for the test kit. You may also email the lab at ffp_lab@yahoo.com to
    see if there is an Iodine Literate practitioner in your area or
    whether Dr. Flechas can be assigned your test results.

    Hakala Labs also does iodine testing and will ship the test to

Iodine Loading Test Kit
    The information on this website has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.  
    The information discussed is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
    This website is intended as information only. The editors of this site are not medically-trained.
    Please consult your licensed health care practitioner before implementing any health strategy.
    The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists
    between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician. This site accepts no advertising. The
    contents of this site © 2004-2015 by Breast Cancer Choices, Inc., a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit
    organization managed entirely by volunteers.

    Contact website editor, Lynne Farrow, with comments or for reprint permission at:
    lynne@breastcancerchoices.org or write us at Breast Cancer Choices, Inc., PO Box 1567,
    Amagansett, NY 11930.

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